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Five Things To Never Do At A Job Interview

Author: Stella Giese

Five things to never do at a job interview

The job market these days is tough, so it's important to get any advantage you can over the competition. From the application and the resume, to the interview and follow{-}up thank you email, everything should be executed as flawlessly as possible. Once you have secured an interview, this usually means that you will at least be considered for the position and may even be one of the top contenders. Don't blow your chances at landing the job with one of these common faux pas.

1. Wear whatever's lying around - Carefully choosing your wardrobe is an important part of any interview. No matter the company, dress in business attire and pay careful attention to grooming. Impressions are often made before you even say a word, so don't ruin your chances of getting the job by looking sloppy.

2. Dance around a question - If you don't know the answer to a tough question, just admit it. Don't waste the interviewers time by giving them a long winded answer that does not even address the core of his question.

3. Ask what's in it for you - Resist the urge to ask about salary and benefits during the initial interview. This can be discussed later and right now that is not really your concern, you concern is getting the job.

4. Just sit there - Don't just sit there during an interview, look engaged. Take notes, ask for business cards and ask questions to express your interest in the position and the company.

5. Talk trash - When you are asked about your past experiences, do not talk poorly about a former boss or company. This will likely make you look much worse than whoever you are talking about. 

In Brief

  • The job market these days is tough, so it's important to get any advantage you can over the competition.

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