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Health Care Jobs

A Smart and Healthy Career Choice

Author: Chris Cox

"Health Care" a career choice this could be one of the most economically-viable and healthy decisions anyone can make. The health care job opportunities are plentiful and a quick look at the annual salary numbers indicates what a slam dunk pursuing a health care career is.

Consider these AVERAGE annual take-home salaries:

  • Public Health Nurse $46,000
  • Physical Therapist $51,000
  • Health Care Educator $53,000
  • Nurse Practitioner $60,000
  • Clinical Nurse Specialist $63,000

...and in many areas of the country yearly incomes go even higher. In some parts of the east and west coast, add another 10-15% to the averages above.

Not a bad belonging to a career track with lots of blue-sky in front. Employment experts agree health care will lead the career-growth charts against almost all others as the population ages and life expectancies continue to surge.

Express Train to a Better Future

So what's the best way to get there from here? Which is the most direct route with the fewest stops and detours along the way? Two great questions that could only have one great answer:


Yep, education. It's a first-class ticket on the only bullet train headed to a brighter and better future in one of the most promising fields any young person can journey to. So let's get started.

But hold that train - for a second or two anyway - there's a few more things we'll need to consider first...including:

  • Type of school - on campus or online...or a blend of the two?
  • Is the school accredited?
  • Proximity or convenience of the school, travel time to and from and your busy schedule
  • Cost of going to school. Is it affordable?
  • Financial Aid - Grants, Scholarships and Work-Study
  • Types of certificates, diplomas and degrees offered
  • Reputation of teaching staff
  • Professional affiliation, if any, with health care providers
  • Career advice and job connections for grads
  • How long will it take to achieve my education goals?

And that's just the beginning of "things" you should know about before you sign the dotted line on any college form. College is a big investment of time, psyche and money...and you'd better be sure you've done your homework first.

TrustedMessenger would like to help.

Which leads us to the next part of this all-important and what we hope is a life inspiring and career changing health care article. It's College and Career Resource Guide, a comprehensive, resource guide where you can search for the career options, colleges and degrees that best suit your goals.

College and Career Resource Guide is your digital door-way to the best in health care training, college choices, course-work and degrees offered - Associate, Bachelors and Masters programs.

College and Career Resource Guide is your digital door-way to the best in health care training, college choices, course-work and degrees offered - Associate, Bachelors and Masters programs. You'll learn who's teaching what and where. And the resident level of expertise. You'll be able to "shop and compare" and find out which school works best for you...from a logistics-standpoint, academic-standards standpoint...and the all important cost-standpoint.

Did you know that not all schools are created equal? While standards are improving, there are "diploma factories" where emphasis is placed not on academic excellence but on the bottom line...their bottom line. Avoid those institutions at all costs. College and Career Resource Guide will help you do exactly that.

And speaking of costs, did you know that many schools, especially the better ones, offer information and applications for financial aid - many with trained financial aid experts to guide you through the money-maze. College and Career Resource Guide will put you in touch with those schools. Last year the federal government helped students to the tune of $100 billion in grants and scholarships. With governments - state and federal - becoming increasingly revenue-strapped, it's wise to discover NOW where to get your slice of the academic money pie - before it's too late.

How about location - on campus, a.k.a. "brick and mortar" - or online? What are the advantages of each? And which schools offer a blend of the two? Spend a few minutes with Resource Guide and learn if online works for you. Frankly, we think going online makes great sense. The best online ACCREDITED colleges typically align course-work with top-notch real-world facilities, so you won't suffer for lack of hands-on. And it's hard to beat the convenience of learning from the comfort of your favorite lap-top. For those busy folks on the run, podcasts and smartphones deliver information - coursework and yes even testing - right to the palm of your hand. And there's great brick and mortar campuses coast-to-coast. Find out if there's one in your area.

Make a "healthy" decision to kick-start your advanced training as a health care professional. Click and visit the College and Career Resource Guide.

And as they say in Rome, "a votre sante."

In Brief


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