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Services To Help Find Your Way Out Of The Unemployment Jungle

Author: Velma Lamoureux

Services to help find your way out of the unemployment jungle

In today's economic climate, it's difficult to find a job if you're unemployed. Even when the economy is faring relatively well, it's still not necessarily an easy process, always involving a fair amount of work.

Fortunately, as stressful as finding a job can be, if you take the time to look, you'll be able to find services and organizations that are willing to help you out. Some of these require paying a fee, while others do not. Carefully examine the details of each to determine which is right for your needs.

Those living in the U.S. can take advantage of the federally-sponsored Public Employment Service to look for a job. Numerous opportunities are listed here, along with employment and training programs near you and programs suited for seniors, disabled individuals, veterans and welfare recipients. All services of this agency are entirely free.

To widen your search parameters, you can try looking for help from staffing agencies. These vary between temporary job placement companies and executive search firms, offering employment ranging from six-month contract positions doing simple administrative tasks to appointments at senior executive levels. The agency that's right for you will depend on your qualifications, and the fee may be paid out-of-pocket or by the staffing agency.

It may also be helpful to seek help from career counseling organizations and businesses. Although these firms will not necessarily find you a job, they will offer you counseling to help you determine what direction you can take your career, instruct you in proper resume and cover letter writing techniques, or teach you how to perform in an interview. Fees will vary here, depending on the agency, and you'll usually have to pay before any help is offered.

Have you had trouble finding a job when you've been unemployed?

In Brief

  • In today's economic climate, it's difficult to find a job if you're unemployed.

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