The Best Resources For Scholarships

Author: Dennis Mock

The best resources for scholarships

Many prospective college students would be unable to go to the academic institutions of their choice without the aid of scholarships or other forms of financial aid. If you're in this particular boat and you're having trouble finding legitimate resources, there are a few basic practices you can observe to continue your search and end up successful.

You've probably already looked here, but it bears repeating anyway - the most obvious resource for scholarship help is the school you wish to attend. Depending on how competitive they are and how difficult it was for you to be accepted for admission, they will likely offer you some form of aid. The problem is that what they offer is, for many students, just not enough.

Businesses within the vicinity of your home, that have had a long-standing presence in your community, will sometimes offer scholarships as part of their strategy for cultivating good public relations. One of these businesses may be your own employer, or the business where a parent or relative works.

Educational foundations, religious, ethnic nd community organizations may also offer similar services. If you have any sort of positive relationship to any of these groups, don't be afraid to look there for a scholarship.

Local, county, state and federal government resources will also be at the disposal of those searching for reputable and reliable sources of scholarship money. From your state's educational agency all the way up to the U.S. Department of Education, you should at least be able to receive comprehensive information about how to refine your search for aid.

Finally, the importance of the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) cannot be understated. If you neglect to fill out the FAFSA, your educational institution and any governmental agency providing financial aid won't be able to determine your income and that of your parents - both necessary pieces of information for determining how much aid you're eligible to receive.

Have you started your scholarship search? 

In Brief

  • Many prospective college students would be unable to go to the academic institutions of their choice without the aid of scholarships or other forms of financial aid.

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