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Five Reasons Getting A Pet Will Be Good For Your Child

Author: Dennis Mock

Five reasons getting a pet will be good for your child

Anyone with children, or really anyone who has ever been a child, knows the yearning that most children feel to have a pet. There are many positives when it comes to children owning pets, so if you are a parent who needs some convincing or a child who needs some good arguments for getting a pet, consider the points below.

1. Companionship - No matter the age, all children need companionship. Pets can offer friendship to a child who is lacking it in other areas of his life, such as school or in the family if he is an only child.

2. Responsibility - Experts agree that it is vital for children to learn the importance of daily responsibility. Responsibility can be learned by doing weekly chores like doing the dishes, but to be responsible for another living creature's life teaches accountability on a whole new level.

3. Self esteem - Growing up is difficult, and it is easy for some children to experience low self-esteem due to things like media portrayals of perfection or peer bullying. However, the love children can get from a pet can help to build their self-esteem and feel good about themselves.

4. Compassion - Children can learn compassion by caring for an animal, as it will be their responsibility to feed the animal when it is hungry or care for it when it is sick. Additionally, a child will learn what it means to be compassionate and how to deal with death when an animal passes away.

5. Therapeutic - WebMD says that pets provide many medical benefits, including natural mood enhancement, ability to lower cholesterol and provide physical fitness during daily walks.  

In Brief

  • Anyone with children, or really anyone who has ever been a child, knows the yearning that most children feel to have a pet.

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