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Tips On Training Your Dog

Author: Arthur Truax

Tips on training your dog

Having a dog can be a rewarding experience for a family, but training one takes time, patience and understanding. Here are a few tips to help make training your dog easier.

Be positive
One of the main keys to training your dog is to maintain a positive attitude. Make training sessions a fun, rewarding time with your dog. Keep each session short, ten to twenty minutes a day will do, and reward yourself and your pet with an enthusiastic play session at the end.

Be consistent
Avoid sending your dog mixed signals by making a game out of punishments. One common misbehavior is chewing on shoes, furniture and other valuables. If a dog has an item it is not supposed to and will not give it up, don't chase him around the house. This becomes a fun game to him and will encourage chewing. Instead, sit down on the floor with an approved toy. The dog will often lose interest in what he has and want the toy that you have. Eventually, the dog will learn to only chew on its approved toys.

Enlist help
One common behavior owners struggle to correct is a dog's tendency to jump up as a greeting to strangers. Enlist some friends or family members to help and have them play the part of the stranger. Have the guest make the dog sit before they pet it. If the dog does jump onto them they should turn their back and ignore it until it sits.

Prevent accidents
When potty training your puppy, be sure to take it outside regularly. Once it learns that you will let it out for a walk, it will begin to indicate when it needs to go out.

In Brief

  • Having a dog can be a rewarding experience for a family, but training one takes time, patience and understanding.

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