How To Go Green At Home

Author: Bobby Warnock

Going green can benefit the environment.

As more people become environmentally conscious, sustainability is becoming a priority in many households across America. However, old habits die hard, especially when they're wasteful ones that you've been used to for years.

By banding together as a family, you and your loved ones can begin to change your daily routine to improve sustainability in your household. Contrary to popular belief, it doesn't all have to be done at once to make a difference - slowing incorporating green habits into your lifestyle can pay off big for the environment in the longrun.

First, consider starting a recycling program at home. Designate certain bins for paper and plastic waste around the house. This will help get everyone to break the habit of simply tossing everything into the trash.

Next, try to change how you do things around the house. For instance, remember to hit the light switch when you're leaving a room to conserve electricity. Turn off the water while you're brushing your teeth or washing dishes to reduce water waste.

Once you've mastered the basics, you can begin to take your sustainable habits outside of the home. Think green when it comes to transportation - if possible, car pool with a friend to work or school. Try to use public transportation to do your part to reduce carbon emissions.

While at work, take the digital route when communicating with others and only print memos when absolutely necessary. Consider using double-sided printing on recycled paper to reduce waste and make the most of your resources.

Although it may seem like a lot of changes to make, incorporating them into your routine over time can make it easier on your household and the environment. In the end, you'll feel better about reducing your carbon footprint.

In Brief

  • As more people become environmentally conscious, sustainability is becoming a priority in many households across America.

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