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Denying Your Impulses - Eating Healthy In An Unhealthy World

Author: Danielle Purnell

Denying your impulses - eating healthy in an unhealthy world

When people decide to commit to making healthier choices with their eating habits, plenty of them often take dieting seriously and make a serious effort to eat better. However, just as many others talk the talk, while neglecting to walk the walk, when this matter is concerned.

It's no secret that a majority of the population of the U.S. is either overweight or obese - statistics supporting this claim can be found in most major news outlets and reliable health agencies and organizations. People see these statistics and do take them seriously, for the most part, and this can be seen in the trend of restaurants changing their menus to add healthy (or at least healthier) meal options.

However, the amount of people taking advantage of these reduced-calorie dietary options is, based on recent data, considerably less than the amount of individuals originally asking for such choices to be made available.

To some extent, this can be understood. Some of the foods that are the worst for you are nonetheless tempting choices when you're hungry, for a lot of reasons - low cost, great taste, easy availability and more. But if you want to really commit to lose weight, whether you're looking to trim five pounds or 50, you have to make the healthy choice on a consistent basis - the degree of consistency depends on how much weight you want to ditch.

It's also important to remember that dieting alone, as consistently as you might stick with it and as effective as it might be, just won't quite enough cut it. Regular exercise must be coupled with a healthier diet for any weight-loss plan to lead to results that can stick with you.

If you are healthy for your age and body type, then chances are you're at least doing something right - hopefully you're not just lucky, because that type of luck runs out - and you can afford to eat poorly every once in a while. But don't let it become habitual. 

How often do you make the healthier choice when presented with dining options?

In Brief

  • When people decide to commit to making healthier choices with their eating habits, plenty of them often take dieting seriously and make a serious effort to eat better.

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