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Five Simple Ways To Cut Calories And Lose Weight

Author: Denise Mardis

Five simple ways to cut calories and lose weight

Losing weight can be tricky, but there are simple steps that can be taken to cut calories throughout the day. While it may not seem like a lot, a few less calories a day can result in several pounds lost over time.

 1. Cut out some of the extras - Rather than ordering cheese on your sandwich at lunch, skip it. A lot of times you can even taste the cheese in your meal but it adds a lot of unneeded calories to your day.

2. Switch up your mixers - When you're at happy hour or ordering drinks with dinner, consider ordering cocktails with zero calorie mixers. A gin and tonic has less calories than a rum and coke, for example. Another great mixer - water. It might sound crazy, but if you have never tried a vodka and water, give it a whirl next time. With a lot of lemons, it just tastes like lemon water!

3. Skip the crusts - Women's Health Magazine suggests not eating the crusts of desserts. The crusts often have the most calories because all of the butter and fat is soaked into it. The pie filling is the best part anyway!

4. Substitute sour cream - If your a big fan of dips like French onion or guacamole, trade out the sour cream you might use in the recipe for Greek yogurt. When you use unflavored Greek yogurt you can't even taste the difference, and if you switch out the chips for veggies, you can snack away guilt free!

5. Confuse the Starbucks guy - Switch up your daily order at the coffee shop and get your drink made with skim milk. You likely won't even taste the difference, and soon enough you won't just be ordering your cappuccinos skinny, you'll be ordering your jeans skinny. 

In Brief

  • Losing weight can be tricky, but there are simple steps that can be taken to cut calories throughout the day.

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