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Breaking the spell of infertility and difficulties with childbirth with the benefits of Pregnancy Miracle

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) defines infertility as the inability to become pregnant for a minimum period of 12 consecutive months. In the U.S., a total of 2.1 million, or 7.4 percent, of married women between the ages of 15 and 44 are infertile. Additionally, 11.8 percent of women in this age range have difficulties of some sort when trying to have a baby - this is formally called "impaired fecundity."

Numerous possible solutions are available to help women experiencing problems trying to get pregnant, including intrauterine insemination (IUI) or various methods of assisted reproductive technology (ART). The most common form of ART is in vitro fertilization. Although this and other ART techniques have been successful in 41 percent of women under 35, according to CDC statistics, this success rate drops significantly with age, so that failed IVF and ART affect all but 5 percent of women aged 43 to 44.

With this in mind, you may well be looking to any viable alternatives to these processes if you have been experiencing problems with natural fertility. If you choose to consider the Pregnancy Miracle Solution, pioneered by nutritionist, health consultant and Chinese holistic medicine researcher Lisa Olson, your luck in this endeavor has the possibility of turning around for the better.

Rather than a drug, surgical operation or other potentially risky medical procedure, Lisa Olson's Pregnancy Miracle is a system detailed in a 279-page e-book, available for instant download. Its techniques are heavily influenced by the holistic methods of civilizations that thrived in ancient China and are clinically proven to help reverse you or your partner's problems with fertility within two to four months.

The statistics related to the Pregnancy Miracle speak for themselves. Lisa Olson spent more than a decade conducting the research that forms the backbone of this system and experimented with the methods it contains for five years before marketing them. With all that hard work, its success was all but certain, and it has been the best-selling fertility solution of its kind available on the internet for three consecutive years.

You might not be convinced by those statistics, and that's reasonable. What the Pregnancy Miracle has standing behind it is the life experience of its author. Lisa Olson went through the physical and emotional struggles of infertility herself and had all but given up hope when she decided to research the matter herself. After that long period of research, trial and error, she discovered the key practice that is the driving force behind her book and became pregnant with her first daughter at the astonishing age of 43.

Since its release, thousands of couples have taken advantage of the Pregnancy Miracle. Women all over the world, from South Africa and Finland to Scotland and the U.S., have become pregnant after months and years of dealing with failed IVF and other treatments, even at ages as high as 40 and 44.

The solutions contained in Lisa Olson's e-book are wide-ranging, covering every aspect of the fertility process. You'll learn the right kinds of foods to incorporate into your diet as well as ones to avoid at all costs, tips on when and how to have intercourse with a high likelihood of conception, behaviors to engage in and avoid, hormonal and dietary supplements to take and household items that should be taken out of your house right now that may well be contributing to your fertility problems.

You owe it to yourself to give the Pregnancy Miracle a chance. It comes with a 100 percent, no-questions-asked money back guarantee if it fails to bring about ideal results after two months. As a result, you have nothing to lose if it turns out not to be right for you, but everything and more to gain if it does.

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