Seven Ways To Boost Your Energy Naturally

Author: Marguerite Willett

Seven ways to boost your energy naturally

Working full time can be draining, but if you have a family to care for in addition to your nine-to-five job, waning energy could become a problem. Sure, you could head over to the coffee shop for an espresso or pop open an energy drink, but too much caffeine can sometimes do more harm than good. Instead, consider these natural energy boosters.

1. Exercise - Probably the most common advice given to boost energy, but it really works. Even if you're tired, just make yourself go for a quick jog outside and see how you feel.

2. Get less sleep - According to Harvard University heath professionals, too much sleep may be to blame for chronic fatigue. Try to reduce naps and sleep for less hours at night and see how you feel

3. Stop smoking - Smoking is obviously bad for you, but probably for more reasons than you even knew. It actually zaps the energy right out of your body because nicotine is a stimulant.

4. Switch it up - It's easy to get into a rut with your overall routine, so try switching things up a bit. Take a different route to work or try a new place for lunch.

5. Drink water - Aim for the eight glasses of water your doctor recommends. Dehydration can make you tired and reduce your ability to concentrate.

6. Get quality sleep - During the hours you are asleep, make sure it is quality rest. Turn off the lights and the television and limit alcohol consumption before bedtime.

7. Take your vitamins - Wipe the dust off those Flintstones vitamins because inadequate levels of nutrients, such as vitamin B, vitamin C and magnesium, can increase fatigue. 

In Brief

  • Working full time can be draining, but if you have a family to care for in addition to your nine-to-five job, waning energy could become a problem.

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