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Tips For Naturally Lowering Blood Pressure

Author: Dale Smock

Tips for naturally lowering blood pressure

Millions of Americans suffer from high blood pressure. The result of a confluence of causes - genetic, lifestyle and environmental - it can be a difficult condition to treat. However, ignoring it may only exacerbate the symptoms, so it's best to be proactive when attempting to control the ailment.

There are many prescription medicines on the market, but for those looking for a more natural approach, there are also many ways to fight high blood pressure without resorting to pills.

Watch what you eat
Like nearly every lifestyle-related disorder, high blood pressure can be alleviated through monitoring your diet. The general rules apply here: lots of fruits and vegetables, a little meat and dairy, minimal fats and sugars. However, there are few blood pressure-specific methods to try. Increasing potassium and dark chocolate can be especially helpful, according to the Mayo Clinic and Prevention Magazine.

A grain of salt
Sodium is known to be a particularly potent cause of high blood pressure. Keeping it under a teaspoon a day is recommended by doctors to manage it, according to Of course, it's not just sprinkling salt on your dinners that leads to an overly high intake. Being mindful of the processed and junk foods you eat to limit sodium. Read labels carefully and look for reduced-sodium options.

Smoking and drinking
In addition to causing numerous other health problems, smoking cigarettes and drinking alcohol can increase your blood pressure. Cutting them out of your routine can have an immediate effect. Although it is difficult, there are many programs aimed at helping you beat these habits.

Exercise helps fight almost every type of ailment - and high blood pressure is no exception. Incorporating more activity into your routine, especially aerobic forms such as jogging and biking, can help you kick it. 

In Brief

  • There are many prescription medicines on the market, but for those looking for a more natural approach, there are also many ways to fight high blood pressure without resorting to pills.

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