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Feng Shui 101

Author: Scott Burleigh

Feng Shui 101

Sometimes you get so wrapped up in a routine you can start to feel jaded in all aspects of your life. After a long day at work, you throw your jacket on the same chair next to your door, make the same dinner and retire to your same old bedroom. However, you may find that by switching up things in your home and arranging your furniture in a particular order, you can enjoy a refreshing take on life.

Of course, this refers to the system of feng shui. You might have heard of feng shui before but never really understood the principle behind it or how to practice it in your own home. But it is likely much easier than you realize and may do your daily routine a world of good. 

Feng shui refers to a Chinese thought system that believes the arrangement and orientation of the objects around you is related to your inner flow of energy. The better your energy is able to flow, the more favorable various aspects of your life will be.

Feng shui is all about balance in your home and therefore in your life. HGTV says the idea is that each aspect of life is evenly divided - wood, fire, earth, metal and water. In order to have a room that is balanced, you should try to balance each of these five elements. You can incorporate wood in your home by having cotton throw pillows for instance, and if they are an earth tone color this brings the earth element into a  room, explains HGTV.

Implementing this ancient practice into your home may take a little research and effort, but may be well worth the work if it can improve your daily life and well being. Consider trying feng shui today and see if you notice a difference.

In Brief

  • Sometimes you get so wrapped up in a routine you can start to feel jaded in all aspects of your life.

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