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Growing Your Own Herbs

Author: Scott Burleigh

Growing your own herbs

The favorable weather and long days of summer make it a great time to shake up your eating routine and start incorporating more fresh foods into your diet. One of the simplest and most effective ways to do this is to start growing herbs that will liven up almost anything you cook. Herb gardens are easy to grow and maintain and provide a seemingly bottomless source of flavor and versatility. With these simple steps, planting your own herb garden is easy.

The soil
More than likely, you need to help out the soil in your yard to give your herbs the best environment you can. Good soil and supplements are easy to find and relatively inexpensive. Adding manure to your soil is another way to promote health and vitality in your herbs.

Herbs can grow from either seeds or pre-started plants. If time is a constraint, buy a young plant and transplant it your own soil. Be gentle moving the plant, and sprinkle a little water on when you're done to help set it in place.

For a less expensive method - and one that gives you more control - start from seeds. Most herbs - especially hardier ones like rosemary, dill and mint - can be planted directly from seeds. Each of these will have slightly different requirements in terms of how many seeds and amount of sunlight, so read the directions that come on the packets.

Weeding and watering often are important parts of maximizing your herbs' output. Regular weeding will help clear the soil of unwanted plants that are depriving your herbs of the sunlight and water they need.

Each herb is ready at different points, so experiment by picking and sampling at different points. Many herbs are interchangeable and they often combine well, so try sprinkling a few over your culinary creations. Soups, salads, meat and pastas are all great places to throw a few fresh herbs for an added injection of flavor.

In Brief

  • One of the simplest and most effective ways to do this is to start growing herbs that will liven up almost anything you cook.

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