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Four New Year's Resolutions To Save Money

Author: Matthew Hutto

Four New Year's resolutions to save money

Of all the popular New Year's resolutions, the one that may take the top spot is to save money. Most everyone feels as though they are spending too much, but do not understand where their money goes each month. If this is how you feel, consider committing to one of these New Year's resolutions and make 2012 the year you pay off your credit card balance or save up for a trip.

1. Pack lunch - Eating out every day at work probably adds up to a lot more than you realize. Dropping $10 on a salad everyday is way more than you need to be spending considering you can get the same ingredients for an entire week of salads at the grocery store for the same price.

2. Make your coffee - Starbucks coffee is good, but is it really that much better than the coffee you can make at home? Probably not. Skip the urge to go to the coffee shop every morning and if you must go, only stop by once or twice a week.

3. Shop deals - You don't have to be an extreme couponer to take advantage of deals at the grocery store and every other store for that matter. Pay attention to what is on sale and buy even if it means you may have to do a little stocking up.

4. Be healthier - Think of how much money you would save if you quit smoking, ate less junk good or could get a better health insurance premium by losing weight. These things can save you a great deal of money in the course of a year and will also help put some extra years on your life.

In Brief

  • Of all the popular New Year's resolutions, the one that may take the top spot is to save money.

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