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Three Fun Auto Tips

Author: Mike Yates

Three fun auto tips

Everyone likes tips and tricks, whether it's to beat a video game or save a little money at the grocery store. But what about pointers that can make driving more enjoyable? You may think that because you have had your license for years, you already know everything. However, there are likely a few things you have yet to hear that can come in handy while on the open road.

1. Keep kitty litter in your truck - You never know when you're going to get stuck in the mud or snow. Having this on hand could help you get out of a serious situation one day if you sprinkle some under the tires, explains the FUN Place.

2. Get out the business cards - The source also suggests putting business cards in your car if you ever need to prove ownership. Putting one in the close window slot will let you identify yourself as the owner from outside a locked car to authorities or a locksmith.

3. Go to a car wash - says that it is better to go to a professional car wash than washing your car at home. The at-home method can use anywhere between 5 to 20 times more water and you can leave microscopic marks and scratches in the paint that can cause serious damage over time.

4. Lose some key chains - According to Reader's Digest, a key chain that contains lots of heavy trinkets or keys can wear out the tumblers inside of the ignition. This can eventually cause the ignition to stop working properly. The source suggests getting the ignition checked if it starts to stick when you turn the car on.

In Brief

  • Everyone likes tips and tricks, whether it's to beat a video game or save a little money at the grocery store.

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