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Carbohydrates You Don't Have To Be Afraid To Eat

Author: Thomas Pray

Carbohydrates you don't have to be afraid to eat

Thanks to fad diets like Atkin's Ketogenic Diet, carbohydrates have gotten a bad reputation in the diet world. But for people that are trying to lose weight, not all carbs should be dubbed as bad. Carbohydrates are a great source of physical and mental energy and full of nutrients your body needs. There is a reason why carbohydrates take up the largest section of the food pyramid and there are a variety of carbs that you should be be afraid to eat if you are trying to shed unwanted pounds.

Sweet potatoes - A great source of beta-carotene, vitamin C, magnesium and iron, sweet potatoes are good to your waistline and even better to your taste buds.

Spinach - Leafy greens like spinach are delicious and are very nutrient dense. In addition to the many vitamins and minerals they provide to the body, this good carb is loaded with antioxidants.

Beans - Beans are low in fat and high in protein, landing them a top contender on the list of good carbs. The variety of beans, from kidney to garbanzo, keeps things interesting and keeps you full.

Whole wheat bread and brown rice - Whole grain bread, pasta and rice blow their white alternatives out of the water, as they are not processed and contain high levels of fiber.

Nuts - Some people are wary when it comes to eating nuts because of their fat content, but keep in mind that it's considered to be good fat- just eat them in moderation.

Oatmeal - Starting off your day with a bowl of oatmeal is a good way to go because of its high levels of fiber and other valuable nutrients. 

In Brief

  • Thanks to fad diets like Atkin's Ketogenic Diet, carbohydrates have gotten a bad reputation in the diet world.

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