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Odd Treatments For The Common Cold

Author: Marguerite Willett

Odd treatments for the common cold

Everyone gets sick occasionally and it is important to get plenty of rest to let your immune system work. Here are a few unusual remedies to boost your body's ability to fight off colds and relieve symptoms.

Wear wet socks
A study at the college of Naturopathic Medicine in Toronto found that wearing wet socks to bed can reduce cold symptoms. Put on a pair of damp socks covered by a pair of wool or thermal socks to improve circulation to the feet. The increased blood flow may help regulate immune response and relieve congestion from the head.

Eat chocolate
Cocoa beans contain nutrients that may help suppress coughing. Ease your sore throat by eating a few pieces of chocolate, but be careful not to have too much as the sugar can weaken your immunity.

Warm up
Help your body turn up the heat on microbes by staying warm. Hot teas or soups can promote a rise in body temperature that can aid your immune system. Mild exercise not only helps raise your body temperature, but can also increase circulation. If you have a regular exercise routine, don't skip it just because of a cold, but also don't push yourself to exhaustion.

Eat raw shellfish
When fighting off a cold, your body's immune system needs lots of nutrients like vitamin C and zinc. Oysters are one of the best sources of zinc, followed by beef shank and crab. Whole grains, pumpkin seeds or a zinc lozenge are also good sources for the mineral.

Banana shakes
Staying hydrated helps fight off infections, but you needs more than just water. Replenish your body's electrolytes by drinking coconut water or sports drinks. Pull out the blender to create banana-strawberry shakes for a great tasting source of potassium and vitamin C.

In Brief

  • Everyone gets sick occasionally and it is important to get plenty of rest to let your immune system work. Here are a few unusual remedies to boost your body's ability to fight off colds and relieve symptoms.

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