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Three New Year's Resolutions To Make For Your Health

Author: John Hack

Three New Year's resolutions to make for your health

When the clock counts down to midnight this New Year's Eve, what will your resolution be? Many people make it their New Year's resolution to lose weight or to join a gym. However, many of these promise are quickly forgotten and results are often never seen. Consider making a realistic goal this year that you can actually stick to and will help improve your health. Try following one of these suggestions this year and your body will thank you.

1. Eat in moderation - WebMD suggests that one of the best way to make a resolution to lose weight is to promise yourself that you are going to eat in moderation. Your plans to lose weight are sure to fail if you try to get through the days without eating much or if you skip your favorite foods to cut calories. Eat what you enjoy, just do so in moderation and with your goal in mind.

2. Quit smoking - You may have told yourself that you are going to quit smoking a million times, but why not actually do it this year? Talk to your doctor for suggestions on how to quit for good and consider taking your mind of the cravings by joining a yoga class or taking up a new hobby.

3. Set a fitness goal - Do you want to climb a mountain? Run a marathon? Or go diving on your summer vacation? Choosing a specific fitness goal is a great way to find some motivation to hit the gym, rather than going just because. Pick something that sounds interesting and start training in small steps. Do not plan on running three miles the first time you try, work your way up to your goal in order to increase your chances of success.

In Brief

  • When the clock counts down to midnight this New Year's Eve, what will your resolution be?

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