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Keeping Heat In Its Place During Winter

Author: Marguerite Willett

Winter can cause heating bills to spike.

As the summer comes to an end, many homeowners are already dreading the cold weather season, and with good reason. The winter forces us to crank up our heaters, which in turn causes our utility bills to skyrocket.

Although many people feel helpless when it comes to their annual heating costs, there are a number of ways that homeowners can reduce their carbon footprints while taking back control over their monthly expenses during the winter.

One way to make sure that your house is prepared for the cold-weather season is to conduct an energy audit. A professional can hone in on areas of your home where energy leaks, such as windows and doors. This can give you a better idea of where insulation is needed to reduce your heating costs. Of course, saving money is the goal here, so if you'd rather not shell out a pretty penny for a professional to tell you you have drafty windows, you can always do a spot-check on a particularly windy day.

Once you have conducted an energy audit, it's time to seal up those leaks. You can do so by placing new insulation within your walls and adding weather stripping to your windows and doors. Consider installing energy-efficient siding if you have the extra cash to further lower your utility expenses.

Next, you might want to buy a monitoring system in your home for your heater. This will help you keep track of the temperature indoors and prevent you from cranking the heat when it's not necessary. Remember to turn down your heat to a comfortable 68 degrees Fahrenheit when no one is home to avoid wasting electricity as well.

If you own a ceiling fan, program it to spin counter-clockwise to keep heat from rising once your home is warm and toasty. Taking just a few of these preventative measures into consideration can help you lower your energy consumption and bills throughout the winter and save it for more wine to warm you from the inside.

In Brief

  • As the summer comes to an end, many homeowners are already dreading the cold weather season, and with good reason.

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