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Articles found for "author%3ADenise Mardis"

Best Practices For A Hassle-free Car Rental

Renting a car can be necessary in various situations, particularly when you're traveling and need an automobile at your destination but don't want to go through the hassle of transporting you own car.

Author: Denise Mardis

How Can I Make Sure I'm Not Being Scammed With Auto Repair Costs?

No one likes to spend a lot money, but that is what many people do when they take their car in for repairs or simple updates.

Author: Denise Mardis

Rush Hour Tips

Auto accidents can happen at any time, but a new study suggests that the two hours between 6 p.m. and 8 p.m. are the most dangerous times to drive.

Author: Denise Mardis

I'm Thinking About Opening A Fast Food Franchise, What Do I Need To Know?

A franchise is a business opportunity that allows you the right to expand a business and operate under its registered trademark with a legal agreement or license.

Author: Denise Mardis

Resume Frequently Asked Questions

If you are new to the job market or have been out of the rat race for a while, you likely have a lot of questions concerning what is appropriate on a resume.

Author: Denise Mardis

The Country's Highest Paid College Majors

The country's highest paid college majors

Author: Denise Mardis

Should I Change My Major?

Your years in college are supposed to be a time when you can figure out what you enjoy and what you want to do in life.

Author: Denise Mardis

Baby Talk: How Infants Learn To Speak

The vagaries of grammar, the appearance and disappearance of vocabulary and the subtleties of dialects are all topics that researchers spend years studying.

Author: Denise Mardis

Staying Active And Aging Gracefully

As we age, it's important that we start making little adjustments to our daily routines to maintain our health and bodies.

Author: Denise Mardis

High Blood Cholesterol Is No Laughing Matter

The perils of high cholesterol in the blood are a health concern that you've probably heard being talked about on numerous occasions but might not fully understand.

Author: Denise Mardis
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