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Articles found for "author%3AScott Burleigh"

Great Young Adult Books

If encouraged early on, reading can becomes a lifelong joy for children.

Author: Scott Burleigh

Four Signs That Leasing A Car Is A Better Choice For You

If you are looking into getting a new car, you may be considering whether it is better to buy or lease a car.

Author: Scott Burleigh

Quit Your Job With Class

When you get a new job or when you simply can't take another day, it can be tempting to leave a note on your desk that says "I quit" and never show up in the office again.

Author: Scott Burleigh

I Was Laid Off, Now What?

During the tough economy, people who are perfectly capable of their jobs are getting laid off.

Author: Scott Burleigh

Three Interview Questions To Prepare For

Having a great interview is very much based on your preparation.

Author: Scott Burleigh

How To Help Your Child Find A Job

As millions of graduates prepare to enter the job market, they face the daunting prospect of finding a position in a sluggish economy.

Author: Scott Burleigh

Put Me In Coach: The Truth About Job Coaches

A growing trend, however, aims to help people who are in the workforce or trying to join it by coaching them.

Author: Scott Burleigh

Avoiding Scams When Searching For Academic Scholarships

To say that a college education can be quite costly might be a clear-cut case of stating the obvious, but it doesn't make that truth any easier to deal with, for some individuals.

Author: Scott Burleigh

Protecting Your Children's Privacy On The World Wide Web

It's no exaggeration to say that the internet has revolutionized the world in countless ways, for people of all ages, backgrounds and interests.

Author: Scott Burleigh

How Birth Order Affects Personality

New research suggests that one of the most important factors might be something as simple as our place in our family's order.

Author: Scott Burleigh
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