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Autumn Is The Right Time To Travel In Europe

Author: Benjamin Delorenzo

Autumn is the right time to travel in Europe

Many people choose summer as the season of choice for their vacations. This makes plenty of sense - it provides the best beach-lounging and swimming weather and the kids are out of school. For these reasons and others, the summer months seem to epitomize the very idea of leisure.

Depending on where you're planning on going or what the purpose of your vacation is, autumn might actually be your best option as far as time is concerned. The months of falling foliage and cooling temperatures, more specifically September and October, will be optimal if you're looking to take a culinary trip across the Atlantic Ocean to various destinations in Europe.

One reason for fall vacations to Europe will be readily apparent to lovers of great beer - Oktoberfest. Germany is world-renowned for this celebration of finely-crafted lagers and ales, not to mention the great cuisine that comes with them, and you can experience it just about anywhere in the nation, including Frankfurt, Konstanz and Cologne, but Munich hosts the most famous version. A similar festival, the Cannsttatter Volksfest, takes place in Stuttgart.

Festivals with an emphasis on food and drink will also be taking place in Belgium, Hungary, Switzerland, Italy, France and the Czech Republic. Some of these, like the Eurochocolate festival in Perugia, Italy, focus on chocolate, while in France and Switzerland separate Grape Harvest Festivals are devoted to fine grapes - and the equally fine wine they produce.

All of these occasions come with a wide variety of different activities surrounding the culinary delights. If you're worried about the costs associated with them - not to mention those tangential to the food - a country that won't empty your wallet too drastically is Hungary. This is mostly because Hungary is not as much of a known vacation destination as its neighboring nations.

What activities and amenities are important to you when you go on vacation?

In Brief

  • Many people choose summer as the season of choice for their vacations.

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