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Articles found for "author:Marguerite Willett"

How To Change Your Car's Oil

Perhaps the simplest routine maintenance your car requires is an oil change. It can seem difficult at first, but with these simple steps, it's simple.

Author: Marguerite Willett

How To Ask For A Promotion

Moving up the corporate ladder is a common goal for many professionals.

Author: Marguerite Willett

Ways To Build Self Control

Whether it's giving into that craving for extra dessert or lashing out at a co-worker, maintaining self control can be difficult.

Author: Marguerite Willett

Understanding Amish 'rumspringa'

To outsiders, the Amish community can be hard to understand.

Author: Marguerite Willett

Easy Steps Toward Increased Self-confidence

At work, home or in relationships, low self-esteem can hamstring growth and prevent you from achieving happiness.

Author: Marguerite Willett

Pursuing Adult Education

Acquiring more education as an adult can help improve your mental health, introduce you to new people and pay big dividends in your career.

Author: Marguerite Willett

Summer Insurance Matters

Sunscreen application, proper hydration and keeping the mosquitoes away all migrate to the front of your mind during the year's warmest months. What is often looked is insurance.

Author: Marguerite Willett

Ways To Fight Jet Lag

et lag affects millions of travelers a year, and can sap the energy and excitement needed for having a great vacation. If you let it, jet lag can ruin a trip. However, with a few simple tactics, you can easily leave jet lag at the baggage claim.

Author: Marguerite Willett

Keys To A Great Smoothie

If done right, smoothies might just be the ideal health food.

Author: Marguerite Willett

Traveling Like A Local

Travelling is a great way to expand your horizons and learn about unfamiliar cultures. However, sometimes feeling like a tourist can prevent you from truly digging deeply into the experience.

Author: Marguerite Willett
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