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Four Tips For Sticking To Your New Year's Resolution

Author: Scott Burleigh

Four tips for sticking to your New Year's resolution

Many people make New Year's resolutions, but very few actually keep the resolution long enough to see February. But if you are committed to a goal and willing to put in the effort, then there is no reason for you to fail. Stop making the same resolutions every year, instead consider following a few of these simple tips for sticking to one and seeing it through to success.

1. Be realistic - Do not tell yourself that you are going to lose 30 pounds by the end of the month or train for a marathon in two weeks. You will likely never accomplish these goals and will set yourself up for failure and disappointment. Giving yourself smaller goals over a realistic time period can encourage you to stick to your resolution for the long run.

2.  Find a buddy - There's strength in numbers and this is especially true when it comes to New Year's Resolutions. You are more likely to achieve your goals if you are surrounded with supporters or, even better, people that will make the resolution with you. See if you can get your whole office to commit to reduce swearing or have the family eliminate sodas.

3. Be specific - One of the most important aspects of keeping a resolution is making it specific, says the Huffington Post. For example, you are less likely to stick to "Be a better person" than "Stop gossiping" or "Compliment others."

4. If you fall, get back up - When most slip up in their resolution, they feel as though they have to drop the idea all together. But this makes little sense. If you have pledged to save money, you wouldn't go on a spending spree just because you bought one expensive thing. The same should be true in terms of dieting or quiting smoking.

In Brief

  • Many people make New Year's resolutions, but very few actually keep the resolution long enough to see February.

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