Best Practices For A Hassle-free Car Rental

Author: Denise Mardis

Best practices for a hassle-free car rental

Renting a car can be necessary in various situations, particularly when you're traveling and need an automobile at your destination but don't want to go through the hassle of transporting you own car. Although not nearly as complicated a process as buying a car, it can still be positively head-spinning to navigate the various company policies, legal regulations and fees involved in renting one.

The best way to avoid this sort of stressful situation is to do as much research beforehand as possible. Look up the most convenient rental car agencies in your area, or in the vicinity of your travel destination, and compare and contrast all applicable rates and fees. Typical fees may include charges for fuel, mileage, taxes, out-of-state travel and equipment rental.

See if they offer discounts for rentals lasting a certain period of time, and if these deals are subject to any fine-print provisions or restrictions.

You'll also want to find out about specific policies a car rental agency maintains in regard to insurance. Many rental businesses offer some form of insurance that you pay for along with the other rental fees they charge. In certain states, you can purchase a collision damage waiver (CDW), which will cover damages to the vehicle (though not damages to your property or any injuries you sustain) for a fee of around $9 to $13 each day of the rental.

Some companies will offer personal accident insurance (PAI) and personal effects coverage (PEC). The former covers some of any medical expenses that accrue when you are involved in an accident, while PEC insurance pertains to property damages sustained in such a situation.

Finally, your driving record should be in good standing before you go about renting a car. Numerous agencies will deny you a rental on the basis of past accidents, driving under the influence arrests, reckless driving or other poor automobile practices, and you don't want to have that happen to you when you need it the most. 

Have you had any atrocious car rental experiences?

In Brief

  • Renting a car can be necessary in various situations, particularly when you're traveling and need an automobile at your destination but don't want to go through the hassle of transporting you own car.

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