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Cutting Car Costs

Author: Beth Bahr

Cutting car costs

Owning a car can sometimes feel like being tethered to a money pit. With gas, inspections and regular upkeep, vehicles can drain resources quickly. With this in mind, it is important to take steps to minimize the need for a serious repair down the road.

With an eye toward prevention, a mindful vehicle-owner can save a great deal of money.

Tire upkeep
One of the easiest ways to avoid costly repairs is to pay attention to your tires. Underinflated tires can reduce their lifespan as well as be deleterious to the rims. Furthermore, severely deflated wheels can cause you to lose control over your vehicle - leading to a much more serious problem. What's more, properly inflated tires can improve your car's gas mileage up to 3.3 percent, according AutoMD.

Learn simple maintenance
Every time you bring your car to a mechanic you are paying for his time and expertise. Often, this is a sound investment. Other times, it is not. By learning simple repairs and upkeep procedures, such as oil changing, tire rotating and fluid checking, you can keep a lot of money in your pocket. That way, when you actually need a mechanic's skills, you'll have some money stashed away.

Shop around
When it does come time for a serious repair, it is a good idea to seek a second - and a third, and a fourth - opinion. It doesn't mean you are questioning the integrity of your mechanic, it simply means that you are getting the most information about your specific problem. It will also help you feel more comfortable with how mechanics diagnose and communicate problems.

Know your fuel
It may sound simple, but one way to keep your car out of trouble is to get the right gas. Find out what grade your car requires and stick to that.

In Brief

  • With gas, inspections and regular upkeep, vehicles can drain resources quickly.

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