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Three Simple Steps To Buying A Car

Author: Stella Giese

Three simple steps to buying a car

Whether you are looking for a new or used vehicle, car buying can be a trying process. With hundreds of makes and models to choose from it is easy to be overwhelmed, but a few basic steps for your next car buying experience may help make the decision easier.

Do your homework
These days it is easy to do comparison shopping online. Magazines like Consumer Reports offer annual comparisons of all major car models and auto dealer websites offer feedback from regular users. Take some time to look around at reviews of the car and your local dealers. You don't have to know everything about each vehicle you're considering, but you should be able to narrow down your choices.

Be up front with the salesman
Let him know if you are interested in buying or just looking for a test drive. The dealer wants to make you happy, but needs to know what you want. Happy customers are good for business, but that doesn't mean he will make a deal that hurts him financially. Be reasonable in your request, and if you decide to wait, get an offer in writing - either printed out or in an email.

Find the right fit
While price is an important factor in buying a car, it's better to be sure you're consideringthe right vehicle. There's nothing worse than getting a great deal on a car only to realize after a few months that you can't stand its unique features.

Also remember to ask questions about the car's reliability and history. If it's a used car, you may want to have a mechanic take a look at the engine for an honest, independent estimate.

In Brief

  • With hundreds of makes and models to choose from it is easy to be overwhelmed, but a few basic steps for your next car buying experience may help make the decision easier.

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