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Resume Frequently Asked Questions

Author: Denise Mardis

Resume frequently asked questions

If you are new to the job market or have been out of the rat race for a while, you likely have a lot of questions concerning what is appropriate on a resume. The resume is of course one of the essential elements to landing a job interview and therefore it is very important that it meets or exceeds the standards. Therefore, refer to these frequently asked questions about resume etiquette and expectations to create a great application.

Should I list education if I did not attend college?  Quintessential Careers explains that if you have received any college-level education, you should indicate this on your resume. This includes associate's degrees and certificates. If you enrolled in a college program but did not graduate, list the number of semesters completed. A resume without this information may look like you have time you cannot account for, making your experience look incomplete or questionable.

How many jobs should I list under experience? Many employers want a resume that fits on a single page. Therefore, consider only listing your last three to five years of experience, suggests LinkedIn. If you have experience that spans a greater time period, consider asking the company's HR department what they would prefer you do.

Should I put my GPA on my resume? According to Career Services at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, you should include your GPA if it is strong for your field. Research what is acceptable in your industry and put your GPA on your resume if you feel it is impressive to your potential employers. However, as a general rule, Virginia Tech recommends omitting your GPA if it is below 3.4.

In Brief

  • If you are new to the job market or have been out of the rat race for a while, you likely have a lot of questions concerning what is appropriate on a resume.

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