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Ways To Get Ahead In A Struggling Economy

Author: Mike Yates

Ways to get ahead in a struggling economy

Just because the economy has stalled doesn't mean your career needs to. Consider these steps to keep your professional development moving forward.

Build your network
Social media is having a huge impact on the way companies do business. Social networking sites are changing everything from marketing to financing to the hiring process. To take advantage of this trend, get connected and build your network. Sites like Linkedin allow professionals to post resumes, jobs and make recommendations. Remember to be active, friendly and professional.

Go back to school
An estimated 9.7 million students will enroll in colleges and university this fall, {and you can} be one of them. Online degrees have made it easier to balance work, school and family, and a degree will increase your earning potential. Workers with an advanced degree earned an average of $83,144, compared to $53,613 for a bachelor's degree or $31,283 for a high school diploma.

Develop a specialty
Look for advancement within your company by filling a need. Integrate yourself into the way the firm does business and offer advice on improving the products or services. Be aware of opportunities to leverage your skills into new areas. If you don't have the skills needed for the position, attend professional seminars or workshops.

Move laterally
Don't be afraid to try new positions. The job may not be an upward movement on the corporate ladder, but it may open possibilities further down the road. A lateral move may shore up weaknesses in your resume, making you a stronger candidate overall.

Avoid gossip
Remember to treat everyone with respect. Avoid damaging your own reputation by steering clear of office gossip and negative comments. Prove you can rise above office politics by being a constant professional. Focus on your work and completing it as best you can.

In Brief

  • Just because the economy has stalled doesn't mean your career needs to. Consider these steps to keep your professional development moving forward.

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