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Writing A Great Cover Letter

Author: Velma Lamoureux

Writing a great cover letter

A cover letter is one of those optional parts of an application that you should never skip if you are hoping to land a job. Sure, your resume is an essential aspect of your application, but your cover letter is something that can truly set you apart from everyone else. It is your chance to explain to a company why you are the best candidate they have and why this is the job and a company you are excited to work for.

Forbes Magazine explains that the smaller the company, the more important your cover letter. This is because when applying for a larger company, it is less likely the hiring manager will have time to sit down and thoroughly read every cover letter. That being said, it doesn't mean that if you become one of the final candidates for a job at a larger company, your cover letter won't then get more attention. For this reason, one can argue that a cover letter is important no matter the company or position.

While writing a cover letter you should keep some of the basics in mind - keep it short and succinct, mention mutual contacts and maintain professionalism and formality. Don't be over zealous and ridiculous, saying something like "It would be my dream to work for you", especially if this isn't true. At the same time avoid trite remarks.

Once you have written all that you want to say, edit, proofread and proofread again. Not only is it embarrassing to send a letter with typos, it may tell your prospective employers that you are lazy or unprepared. Take your time and consider letting others read your cover letter before submitting it to the company. Good luck!

In Brief

  • A cover letter is one of those optional parts of an application that you should never skip if you are hoping to land a job.

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