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Cut Costs For Your College Tuition

Author: Dale Smock

Cut costs for your college tuition

College can be a great opportunity for a young person, but it can also be tough financially. College tuition averages over $8,000 a year at public schools and $29,000 at private institutions. The costs get even higher when you add room and board. CNN reports that annual housing costs at four-year universities are around $10,000.

Students looking to save on tuition costs should consider schools that offer a four year guarantee. These institutions agree to lock in the annual tuition rate based on the enrollment year, which protects the student from future tuition hikes.

Students that pick a major early are more likely to graduate on time. Waiting until junior or senior year to declare a field of study may result in delays in completing the requirements due to missing coursework. Staying on for an extra year or semester will be the biggest increase in overall expense. Plan classes early and be sure to know which courses have limited availability to ensure degree requirements are completed on time.

Single rooms are nice, but they cost thousands more than sharing a room with one or two friends. Depending on the area, living off campus may also save money. Investigate housing around the college and see if renting a cheap apartment with a few friends is a worthwhile investment, but remember to account for utility costs.

Also look at the college's meal plan as a way to save money. Student meal plans typically provide enough for three meals a day at any dining center on campus, however many students also purchase meals off campus. A proper level of meal allocation can save money. Students that dine out a lot should consider reducing their meal plan to avoid paying for unused meals.

In Brief

  • College can be a great opportunity for a young person, but it can also be tough financially.

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