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Three Ways To Bond With Your Daughter-in-law

Author: Benjamin Delorenzo

Three ways to bond with your daughter-in-law

A Mother may find it difficult to accept the fact that her son has a new woman to count on in life. However, it is vital that as a mother, you build a strong relationship with your new daughter-in-law. Consider following these five tips on how to build a relationship with the newest member of your family and maintain a strong relationship with your son.

1. Spend time with her- It may seem like an obvious suggestion, but many women do not actually take steps to enjoy quality alone time with their daughters-in-law. You have likely spent a good deal of time with her and your son together, but how many days have you spent with just her? Get to know her as an individual just as you are getting to know a friend.

2. Accept her - Mothers are notorious for holding grudges against their children's significant others. Maybe you still haven't fully let go of the time she broke up with your son for a few months in college or perhaps you still think about that night she had a few too many glasses of wine at dinner. Everyone makes mistakes, and chances are your son isn't perfect either. The sooner you accept her for the way she is, the sooner you two can form a quality relationship.

3. Relate to her - Consider how you felt when you married your husband. Was his mother fully receptive of you? There is a lot of pressure that comes with joining a new family, so she might feel she has to win your approval by acting a certain way. Relate to her so she can let her guard down and begin to feel like part of the family! 

In Brief

  • A Mother may find it difficult to accept the fact that her son has a new woman to count on in life.

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