Bringing Green Habits Into The Workplace

Author: Dale Smock

It's possible to recycle at work.

It can be difficult to live a sustainable lifestyle when those around you aren't as environmentally conscious. However, making even the smallest effort to be green on a regular basis can help you reduce your carbon footprint over time.

Most people with full-time jobs spend at least 40 hours a week in the workplace. Because this is a location that is most-frequented, it's important to institute green principles here as well as at home. One way that you can make your office more environmentally friendly is by starting small: use the recycling bin whenever possible and try to reduce your reliance on paper.

When possible, communicate digitally. This means emailing your colleagues or speaking to your co-workers in person to reduce the need to print and mail memos. Pick and choose the memos you decide to print as well to avoid wasting paper.

If you have to print an important document, consider using double-sided printing. Find scraps of paper that may have only been used on one side to avoid letting them go to waste.

When the ink cartridges run out in your company printer, remember to recycle them as well. Many manufacturers are willing to refill them at little or no cost.

Just because you know the importance of being green doesn't mean you have to be the only one in your office! Consider working with management to spread the word - place more recycling bins around the workplace and signage on the how to be environmentally friendly.

Further educating others on how going green can help the planet and reduce company costs can be beneficial in the longrun. Many people are not as environmentally conscious as they could be due to a lack of information or willful ignorance. Putting in an extra effort to spread the word can help your business and colleagues reduce their carbon footprints.

In Brief

  • It can be difficult to live a sustainable lifestyle when those around you aren't as environmentally conscious.

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