Green Initiatives That Will Save You Money

Author: Dale Smock

Green initiatives that will save you money

As energy costs continue to rise, many homeowners are looking for ways to save money. Here are a few simple measures that can save you money and are good for the environment.

Turn down the heat
One of the best ways to reduce your carbon footprint is to lower your overall energy usage. Examine your home for ways to make heating and cooling more efficient, including checking around windows and doors for drafts that allow heat to escape. New windows are much better at retaining heat during winter and may save you hundreds on your heating bills.

If you are not home during the day consider turning down the thermostat. Adjusting it by just few degrees will keep your house comfortable for your return and save as much as $180 a year.

Have a DVD player, computer or stereo that you don't use often? Unplug it. Even when turned off electronics use a small portion of power that keeps them ready to turn on at a moment's notice. Use a powerstrip for a quick way to kill the electricity for a large entertainment system. Don't forget about cell phone chargers and other tech devices - charge them up, then make sure they are unplugged when not in use.

Face the sun
Sunlight is a cheap, natural way to heat a room. Open shades and blinds to let this free heat source in. Just remember to close the shades at night to prevent the heat from escaping.  

Out in the cold
Using cold water over hot will reduce your energy output and save you money. Next time you do a load of laundry or wash the dishes, consider whether you really need hot water. As an additional bonus, it ensures there is always plenty of hot water ready when you take a shower.

In Brief

  • As energy costs continue to rise, many homeowners are looking for ways to save money. Here are a few simple measures that can save you money and are good for the environment.

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