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Recycling 101

Author: Matthew Hutto

Recycling 101

If you have ever committed to recycling in your home, you likely learned very quickly that it is no easy task. It takes a bit more effort to rinse the recyclable materials and separate them into their respective bins in your home. Some towns don't provide recycling services and you must take the items yourself to the nearest recycling center.

It is certainly understandable if you have considered ditching the idea once or twice, wondering if all of your efforts are even worth it. However, the answer is yes - it is worth it and this is easy to see if you know some of the ins and outs of recycling.

Recycling transforms materials into valuable resources that would have just become trash. The US Environmental Protection Agency explains that recycling offers an array of financial, environmental and social benefits both locally and globally. Not only does your recycling help to sustain the environment and help to converse natural resources, the agency states that it also increases United States competitiveness and manufacturing jobs.

Many people do not understand just how many items can be recycled. Earth 911 says that recyclable items include anything from electronics to plastics, automotive to garden materials. The things that can be recycled can vary among cities so it is important that you contact your local recycling center to get the specifics on what you should recycle and that can be thrown away.

Recycling can save your community money in avoiding high disposal costs and selling recyclable items, explains Project Green. Furthermore, by not throwing material away, you save energy because it will not be spent extracting and processing raw materials.

Help conserve natural resources and maintain a healthy environment for future generations by recycling. The benefits far outweigh the negatives so give yourself a daily reminder of the good you're doing and take pleasure in knowing how much you are helping by simply recycling.

In Brief

  • If you have ever committed to recycling in your home, you likely learned very quickly that it is no easy task.

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