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Three Ways To Help Your Pet Go Green

Author: Velma Lamoureux

Three ways to help your pet go green

Most people understand the importance of going green and protecting the environment. Perhaps you help do your part by recycling, or carpooling with a fellow employee to work. However, what is man's best friend doing to help the environment? If dogs really were man's best friend, wouldn't he be practicing sustainability, as well? Help your pooch or kitty cat reduce their carbon paw prints by trying a few of these simple tips.

1. Keep your furry friends contained - When walking your dog, always keep her on a leash. Clean up any mess she makes on walks or in the backyard right away, as the toxins can be detrimental to the wildlife, and may end up in a water source. Cats should be kept inside at all costs. Not only do indoor cats live longer on average, they are also some of the biggest killers of birds. The Humane Society of the United States estimates outdoor cats kill hundreds of millions of outdoor creatures annually.

2. Use natural pet-care products - When you use regular shampoos and other products on your pets, they typically contain toxic chemicals. This can be harmful to your animals and the environment. Consider looking for products that use only all natural ingredients, or make your own!

3. Buy eco-friendly toys - Your pet loves to play with toys and there are a variety of companies that offer some made with all natural and eco-friendly materials. Check to make sure the toys are not made with potentially harmful toxins such as lead. Also, try to find a water bowl made with recyclable plastic or treats made with all-natural ingredients.

In Brief

  • Most people understand the importance of going green and protecting the environment.

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