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Don't Forget Your Flu Shots!

Author: Deborah Braley

Don't forget your flu shots!

The heat of summer has finally given way to fall, and sooner than you might think, fall will, in turn, fade into the winds of winter. During the transition between the latter two seasons, the influenza virus often rears its ugly head and ends up getting plenty of people sick before it dies down.

If you're a busy working professional or a parent with young children, this kind of sickness is something you simply can't deal with - or at the very least, something it would be extremely helpful to avoid. The flu, despite its consideration by some as little more than the common cold's big brother, so to speak, can be extremely debilitating and perhaps deadly. In fact, it kills tens of thousands each year in the U.S. alone.

With that in mind, it's necessary to get flu shots out of the way, for yourself as well as everyone in your family if necessary. Whatever costs this task entails will be well worth it, considering what the flu is capable of doing.

If you don't get your flu shot and come down with the condition, you can expect to spend a good deal on doctor's fees and medicines, and the money you might lose from being out of work can be considerable, if you're stricken with a particularly bad case of the flu.

You can obtain the flu vaccine from a variety of different sources. The most obvious of these is your family doctor, but you can also visit pharmacies like CVS or Walgreens for the shots.

If cost is a serious issue, various public health clinics may offer flu shots, on a strict first-come first-served basis, for little or even no charge. Those for whom this last option is necessary must be even more cognizant of timeliness - public health centers may run out of the vaccine quickly.

Have you received your flu shot yet? 

In Brief

  • The heat of summer has finally given way to fall, and sooner than you might think, fall will, in turn, fade into the winds of winter.

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