Five Reasons Why You Should Not Skip Your Annual Check-up

Author: Danielle Purnell

Five reasons why you should not skip your annual check-up

When you're a kid, you have to go to the doctor. But as you become a young adult, go to college and then finally are out on your own, no one is forcing you to do anything you don't like anymore. Perhaps one of the things you have stopped doing as an adult is going in for your annual check up with the doctor. Whether this is intentional or not, there are several reasons why you need to make it a priority. Even though you don't get grape lollipops anymore, seeing your doctor on a regular basis is important.

1. You need your blood work done - Getting poked and prodded is not fun for anyone, but having blood work done on a regular basis is one way to catch diseases, such as diabetes or cancer, early. how fatal diseases, such as diabetes and cancer.

2. Improve your sex life - Annual visits to the doctor can find issues that may be affecting your sex life, like sexually transmitted diseases or problems with your prostate.

4. Checks your vital signs - It's important to check vitals, such as blood pressure, to catch any potentially fatal problems before it's too late. Remember that heart disease is the number one killer of Americans.

5. Find problems before they start - The bottom line is you should go to your doctor to find problems before they start. Living a healthy lifestyle includes having a good relationship with your doctor and making sure everything is functioning the way it should be. Even though it may be scary to think about hearing bad news, it will always be less scary to hear it sooner than later.

In Brief

  • When you're a kid, you have to go to the doctor.

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