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Six Books To Check Out For Your Health

Author: Dale Smock

Six books to check out for your health

If you have made a New Year's resolution to lose weight or get fit, your best plan of action may be to first do your research. Health books titles have been landing on bestseller lists and can offer informative and interesting insight into the fitness world. Therefore, consider picking up one of these books and get on the track to better health today.

1. How to Live Longer and Feel Better - Isn't this the secret that everyone is looking for? This books by Linus Pauling has received excellent reviews and lands on Amazon's list of best health books.

2. Why Women Need Fat - Public health doctor William Lassek offers a researched analysis on why women should eat certain foods and avoid others. As the title suggests, some of his suggestions may surprise you.

3. I Got This - Written by American Idol contestant turned superstar, Jennifer Hudson. In the book, she talks about how she finally slimmed down after years of yo-yo dieting.

4. Good Housekeeping Drop 5 Lbs: The Small Changes, Big Results Diet - This book offers simple techniques from Heather Jones, a registered dietitian. Not sure how to avoid overeating at parties and special occasions? Jones gives useful advice.

5. Staying Healthy at Every Age: What Your Doctor Wants You to Know - Written by Shantanu Nundy, this book landed on the Wall Street Journal's Top Five List of Best Health Books of 2010 and it is still a popular choice among health conscious readers.

6. The 17 Day Diet - Currently on the New York Times Best Seller List, this book by Mike Moreno teaches readers how to speed up their metabolism and lose weight.

In Brief

  • If you have made a New Year's resolution to lose weight or get fit, your best plan of action may be to first do your research.

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