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The Battle for YOUR Bulge

Weighing-In on Two Weight-Loss Leaders

Author: Chris Cox

So you need to lose pounds and inches. You really, truly, want to shape-up, slim-down, and get healthier. You know you're ready. Now is your moment.

But hold-on...let's get serious:

Losing weight, changing our eating and exercise habits requires a decision to "just do it". But like many of us, you've tried more than once, perhaps many times, to win the weight-loss battle...only to gain it back...the weight...the extra unwanted inches... again...and again...and again.

You are not alone

Millions of American women and men are overweight, out of shape and most of all, frustrated. They've tried...even had some success, but like many overweight people, have gained it all back. Losing weight, changing bad or unhealthy habits takes discipline, time and commitment. It also takes help...professional help.

Jenny Craig vs. Weight Watchers

We're here to examine two of the biggest and best known names in weight-loss, Jenny Craig and Weight Watchers. Regardless of that industry's marketing hype and claims, there is no one perfect system that will work for everybody. There is only the best system or program which works for you. Jenny Craig and Weight Watchers utilize unique, personalized approaches for successful and sustained weight-loss, having helped millions achieve their desired weight, shape and size. Time to get down 'n dirty, pull out all the stops, grab the scales and do some measuring to see how these two weight-loss leaders stack-up. It's "ladies first", so let's start with Miss Jenny.

Jenny Craig

Craig's advertising tag line says: "Jenny Craig works!" Boastful claims or substantiated fact? Based on research, results, and customer testimonials of women and men (of all ages) showing weight loss from 40 pounds to over 120... we're giving this weight loss leader gets a big, shiny star!

Here's the "low-down" from two typical - with dramatically different needs - Jenny Craig clients:

Jenny O. Young mother with two kids and a straightforward goal. Be able to get back into her old jeans without, as she puts it, "having to suck it in". During the Craig program, she got her wish - in six months losing 33 pounds. And reaching those goals while still eating her nightly pizza and cookies. Using the easy-to-follow program and with a little help from a Jenny Craig personalized consultant, customer Jenny achieved her weight-loss goals without drugs, without starving, and without excessive exercise.

Nancy V. 52-year old who'd been on and off diets for twenty years. A proverbial, as she puts it, "yo-yo" dieter. Up and down, but always back-up. More weight. More inches. Nancy had "had it" and wanted a permanent solution. She found it with Jenny Craig, succeeding beyond her wildest dreams - thanks to help, support and encouragement from her Craig consultant. Being from Texas, Nancy loves her enchiladas but did not want or need to give those up. She did give-up the weight...losing an amazing 68 pounds. Nancy now has new goals to achieve even greater weight-loss success.

The Jenny Craig program addresses three critical areas to insure weight-loss success:

  • Food - enjoying a healthy relationship with food. Learning portion control and healthy eating habits.
  • Body - creating a more active lifestyle. Gradually increasing physical activity personalized to your lifestyle.
  • Mind - creating a balanced approach to living. Motivation provided by your Craig consultant when you need it most.

Lose Weight Not Taste

With Jenny Craig - depending on your lifestyle and wishes - you'll enjoy planned or personalized menus - the choice is yours. Either way, you'll lose weight and inches without giving-up pleasure, tasty meals or snacks. Menus emphasize fruits, vegetables, whole grains, reduced fat milk products and heart healthy fats.

You'll lose weight as you enjoy lean meat, poultry, fish, beans, eggs and nuts. Jenny Craig limits cholesterol, sodium, added sugars, and saturated fats. Always on the cutting edge, this weight-loss powerhouse proudly features menus with zero grams of Trans Fat.

Dieting for Dollars / INTERNET SPECIAL

"20 pounds for 20 bucks". It's the latest new sign-up incentive from J.C. - perfect for bargain hunters who want to "lose first...invest later". We're giving this Internet Special and Jenny Craig program a big thumbs up . Click here to find out more.

Weight Watchers

Switching gears...or at the very least tactics, plans and success stories, let's take a brief look at Weight Watchers. The Not-A-Diet, "Diet." A veritable ICON in the world of weight-loss and lifestyle enhancement, W.W. has helped millions of women and men lose-the-weight while gaining-the-health. With an advertising tag line that reads: "Stop Dieting, Start Living", Weight Watchers says their plan works because it's not a diet. They maintain you'll learn how to eat right and live healthy.

No argument with this "win as you lose without dieting" weight-loss philosophy. We like the simple, straight-forward, effective approach and obviously so do the legions of happier, thinner and healthier Weight Watchers customers.

WeightWatchers also receives our big for helping people from all walks of life reach weight-loss goals, new levels of healthy living...and keep-it-there. At W.W. you can lose the weight and maintain the weight, in-person or on-line.


Yep, weekly meetings conveniently located near home and office. Human interaction is one of the major benefits to the Weight Watchers program. Peer-based support, healthy-living and value-sharing and above all, communication.

  • Face-to-face with other people wanting to lose the inches, shed the pounds, improve food choices and enhance life-style
  • Face-to-face with weight-loss specialists who motivate with wise-counsel, encouragement and down-in-the-trenches, good ole' American know-how. All with two goals in mind: weight-loss and better living.
  • Members also have access to Weight Watchers eTools - great for additional support, late-breaking news, valuable information and fresh ideas...all at the click of a mouse.

It's a fact: People who attend meetings lose three-times (3x) more weight than those going it alone. And remember, in-person weigh-ins are completely confidential.

Lose it ALL On-Line.

For those who "don't do meetings", Weight Watchers benefits and great lifestyle choices are keyboard-close. With features like:

  • 31,000 food options. 1,500 recipes and restaurant guides
  • Interactive tools to manage food choices and activities
  • Personalized goals based on height and weight
  • Customized sites for women & men
  • Progress "snapshots" with Weight Tracker
  • Sixty video workouts for all fitness levels
  • Anytime / Anywhere tracking with iPhone or Blackberry

And with other great features like: tasty weekly recipes, interactive cheat sheets, and special offers and coupons, we're also giving the Weight Watchers program a big thumbs up.

Live and Learn / Lose and Live

Whether you do or don't do meetings or just prefer the convenience of doing it all online, TrustedMessenger thinks this is one program you can:

Lose With and Live With.

You'll also be able to "live with" their money-saving, generous Membership Offer. Similar to Jenny Craig, new members save big bucks with Weight Watchers too.

Take advantage of the INTERNET SPECIAL and get 3 months FREE. Click here to take advantage of this Internet Special now.

Here's wishing you much success with your health and weight-loss goals.

So, there you have it. Trusted Messenger is please to share these special offers from two giants in the weight loss industry. Here's wishing you much success with your health and weight-loss goals.

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