Minimizing Workplace Stress Might Help You Live Longer

Author: Bobby Warnock

Minimizing workplace stress might help you live longer

Those who've worked in a corporate office setting, or are currently employed in that environment, have probably made exaggeratedly dire statements regarding particularly crushing workloads. You've either said, or heard other people say, things like, "This assignment is going to kill me," or, even more dramatically, "If I don't make it through the next hour without jumping out of a window, it'll be a miracle."

As undoubtedly amusing as those statements are to some extent when taken out of context, or when you're not the one saying them, they are indicative of the considerable stress many employees endure. Additionally, this stress, coupled with an unfriendly atmosphere, might not simply affect the way you feel about your work environment - it might also be seriously detrimental to your lifespan.

This fact was uncovered in a study conducted by researchers at Tel Aviv University. It found that those who languished in oppressive work environments were more than twice as likely to die during that time as those working in a comfortable, pleasant setting.

It stands to reason that the opposite has the potential to be equally true. Cutting down on the stress experienced in the workplace, in any way you possibly can, could end up making you feel better physically. If nothing else, it could certainly make your mind feel more at ease, and who wouldn't want to at least try to do that?

It's possible to treat your job with the responsible attitude it deserves without taking it too seriously. Any mistakes you make at work aren't the end of the world or an occasion for garment-rending self-pity. You take stock of where you went wrong and figure out how not to repeat it, instead of becoming depressed.

What tricks do you use to make the workplace as stress-less as possible?

In Brief

  • Those who've worked in a corporate office setting, or are currently employed in that environment, have probably made exaggeratedly dire statements regarding particularly crushing workloads.

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