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Is Success in Your DNA?

Is There Really a Science to Building Prosperity and Happiness?

Are There REALLY Secrets to Personal Success and Wealth? Do you dream of a life overflowing with all of these things? Who doesn't want health, vitality, fulfilling relationships, success, and prosperity? But, are there certain individuals who are born "winners" or are there really secrets to getting virtually everything you want out of life - a success "manual" that you can learn, practice, and harness day-after-day to achieve the life of your dreams? The answer may surprise you.

While some people say success is largely determined by "lucky breaks", "who you know", or any of a number of well-timed circumstances, the simple and powerful truth is that the world's highest achievers and most successful people are living breathing proof that success can indeed be achieved by virtually anyone of average intelligence.

So, you are of average intelligence, now what else is required? You must have passion, heart, and desire to learn and apply time-tested principles that are practiced and lived by the world's most successful people.

Is it really THAT simple?

Yes, but the simple truth is that very few people in the world commit themselves to do what it takes to achieve their life of their dreams.

But you can — and Trusted Messenger can help you.

Again, your journey must begin with commitment. Get ready for an exciting life, energized and fueled by what the German literary giant Johann Wolfgang von Goethe calls...

The Power of Commitment

As you begin your personal success journey, Trusted Messenger encourages you to read often the "Power of Commitment" — memorize it, recite it, and know that you have the power of commitment behind you!

Now, let's get started by reviewing some of the greatest personal achievement principles the world has ever known. Keep in mind, these are not helpful hints, or mere suggestions — but powerful, proven principles that can change your life!

Trusted Messenger has assembled these powerful success principles in one place to give you a handy guide that you can bookmark, review, and refer to time and time again.

Success doesn't happen overnight, but just imagine what you will accomplish by truly mastering even one of these key areas of success!

Master them all, and you will live a life beyond your wildest dreams!

Master the Science of Goal Setting

What is it that you are committed to - what is your goal? What you accomplish and enjoy in your life is no accident. Is there any question that the top two percent of all achievers in the world set goals for themselves? Or, do you believe they got to where they are by accident? An absolute key to success is mastering the science of goal setting.

Once you master the art of goal setting, you will be more motivated, achieve much more, have greater pride and satisfaction in your accomplishments - and develop a positive attitude that reduces stress, increases productivity, and makes you happier and more successful. While there are many outstanding personal success resources for mastering goal setting, Trusted Messenger is proud to recommend:

Zig Ziglar: Goals - How to Set Them - How to Reach Them

This powerful 6-CD Audio Program is engaging, entertaining, and will give you the right stuff to achieve even your toughest goal without getting frustrated. With this program, you will discover the key secrets behind one of the most valuable success skills in the world. If you are serious about building the life of your dreams, then this program is absolutely essential. Zig Ziglar, a master in personal development is ready to be your personal coach to help you master the art of goal setting.

"By recording your dreams and goals on paper, you set in motion the process of becoming the person you most want to be. Put your future in good hands your own."

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Master the Power of Visualization

Visualization has helped millions of people achieve their goals - and visualization can be the most powerful tool for achievement you have ever used! It gives you the power to identify and overcome roadblocks to progress. It makes your path to success so real that you can feel it, hear it, taste it - and clearly see it in your mind's eye! Successful people understand that it takes more than a goal, you must be able to "see yourself" achieving your goal before you can move forward with the confidence that it takes to succeed.

First-hand testimonials from people who harness the incredible power of visualization come from all walks of life. From salespeople whose bottom-line has improved year after year. From business owners and entrepreneurs who have built thriving enterprises, to world-class athletes, to everyday people who have literally transformed their future by, first imagining and visualizing, then turning their dreams into reality!

Now, through a life-changing 6-CD series, the master of visualization, Lee Pulos, Ph.D. is ready to be your personal coach and help you discover the six types of visualization that you can use in your own life. Whether it's for decision-making, problem-solving, heightening creativity - or simply controlling a behavior, The Power of Visualization can transform your life.

Lee Pulos, Ph.D: The Power of Visualization

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Positive Attitude
Harnessing the Power of a Positive Attitude to Change Your Life

Do you know the magic word in life that determines your actions as well as the actions of others? This single eight-letter word is also a key to success in your personal life, your business life and in all your relationships. Once you understand how a positive "attitude" can literally transform your life and future - you will have all the power you need to put "wings behind your dreams!"

Earl Nightingale: (How to) Lead the Field

This inspiring 6-CD Audio Presentation is presented by a remarkable man whose passion for helping others became his life's work. Now, the powerful truths and success principles that the legendary Earl Nightingale brings to light can illuminate your path to success and prosperity!

On December 7, 1941, Earl was serving his country in a lookout tower on the Battleship Arizona. More than a thousand men died that day on the Arizona -- but Earl was among the few who survived. He was blown off the ship and unconscious in the waters of Pearl Harbor, but a fellow sailor pulled him to safety. Earl Nightingale said he felt he had been spared for some reason. After the war Earl became obsessed with why everyone in his neighborhood was poor and confused. He wondered why one person was able to create wealth and happiness for his family, while another with a similar background stayed ignorant and penniless. Answering these questions became Earl's life work.

Now, through this special CD series, Earl Nightingale will share with you powerful secrets to success that have transformed lives and created success stories all over the globe. Through this landmark presentation, you will discover how to:

Double your mental capability Recognize and easily overcome the biggest stumbling block to high achievement Dramatically improve your luck by changing one simple thing Make success unavoidable with an easy 3-minute-a-day exercise Assess your potential worth, and start increasing it now

. Your attitude tells the world what you expect from it in return! Now, Earl Nightingale's powerful presentation can be your "personal coach" as you discover how developing the right attitude can help you become among the top 2% in the world who "lead the field!"

A great attitude does much more than turn on the lights in our worlds; it seems to magically connect us to all sorts of serendipitous opportunities that were somehow absent before the change. - Earl Nightingale

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Sales Principles
Million Dollar Sales Secrets from the Masters

What is it that you are committed to - what is your goal? What you accomplish and enjoy in your life is no accident. Is there any question that the top two percent of all achievers in the world set goals for themselves? Or, do you believe they got to where they are by accident? An absolute key to success is mastering the science of goal setting.

Once you master the art of goal setting, you will be more motivated, achieve much more, have greater pride and satisfaction in your accomplishments - and develop a positive attitude that reduces stress, increases productivity, and makes you happier and more successful. While there are many outstanding personal success resources for mastering goal setting, Trusted Messenger is proud to recommend:

Brian Tracy, Jay Abraham, the Sandler Sales Institute and Earl Nightingale: Million Dollar Sales Secrets from the Masters

This powerful 6-CD Audio Program is engaging, entertaining, and will give you the right stuff to achieve even your toughest goal without getting frustrated. With this program, you will discover the key secrets behind one of the most valuable success skills in the world. If you are serious about building the life of your dreams, then this program is absolutely essential. Zig Ziglar, a master in personal development is ready to be your personal coach to help you master the art of goal setting.

"Remember, you only have to succeed the last time." -- Brian Tracy

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Personal Achievement
Mastering the Science of Personal Achievement

What is it that you are committed to - what is your goal? What you accomplish and enjoy in your life is no accident. Is there any question that the top two percent of all achievers in the world set goals for themselves? Or, do you believe they got to where they are by accident? An absolute key to success is mastering the science of goal setting.

Once you master the art of goal setting, you will be more motivated, achieve much more, have greater pride and satisfaction in your accomplishments - and develop a positive attitude that reduces stress, increases productivity, and makes you happier and more successful. While there are many outstanding personal success resources for mastering goal setting, Trusted Messenger is proud to recommend:

Napoleon Hills: The Science of Personal Achievement

This powerful 6-CD Audio Program is engaging, entertaining, and will give you the right stuff to achieve even your toughest goal without getting frustrated. With this program, you will discover the key secrets behind one of the most valuable success skills in the world. If you are serious about building the life of your dreams, then this program is absolutely essential. Zig Ziglar, a master in personal development is ready to be your personal coach to help you master the art of goal setting.

"Great achievement is usually born of great sacrifice, and is never the result of selfishness." -- Napoleon Hill

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In Brief

  • Success can be achieved by virtually anyone of average intelligence
  • You must have passion, heart, and desire to learn
  • Powerful, proven principles that can change your life
  • Goals
  • Visualization
  • Positive Attitude
  • Sales Principles
  • Personal Achievement

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