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Avoiding Peak Travel Days May Not Always Be Necessary To Save On Airfare

Author: Dale Smock

Avoiding peak travel days may not always be necessary to save on airfare

In the past, you might have found it cost-effective to avoid traveling on a commercial airliner on certain dates. The day before Thanksgiving and the day after New Year's Day are two examples of dates when many major national airlines often impose surcharges ranging from $20 to $40 on one-way airfare.

However, commercial airlines Delta, American, United and Continental all drastically reduced the number of days for which these fees apply. This winter, only November 27 and 28, December 22, 23 and 26 and January 2 will have peak-travel surcharges imposed by those air carriers, according to the Los Angeles Times.

Of course, that could change next year. Also, costs of air travel have risen over the years and show no indications of doing otherwise. With that in mind, you should take advantage of this year's reduction in days where peak travel charges are applicable if it works for your travel plans.

You might also want to take the time to consider the available alternatives to traveling by airliner. It's not optional to avoid a plane journey if your distance is particularly long, of course, but if it's at all tangible for you to try something else, it's at least worth thinking about.

Cost and distance are the most important factors in such considerations. If you can afford the gas and think you have the stamina to make your journey by car, why not do so? Of course, going by car involves its own complications, particularly traffic, which is likely to be considerable on these days, and if there's highway construction or an accident that traffic is going to be stop-and-go for long periods of time.

The train is also an option if your distance doesn't necessitate flying. Although it's not cheap and it involves potential delay hazards of its own, it's likely to beat the cost of airfare between your current location and your intended destination.

How are you planning to travel for the holidays? 

In Brief

  • In the past, you might have found it cost-effective to avoid traveling on a commercial airliner on certain dates.

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