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Keeping Your Skin Sun-safe While On Vacation

Author: Sarah Kunkle

Keeping your skin sun-safe while on vacation

As fall marches on and winter grows closer and closer each day, you may have begun planning out a vacation in the near future to duck the cold weather for at least a little while. If you're thinking of heading to a sun-soaked spot for this brief interlude of leisure, be sure to exercise caution when spending extended periods of time out in the heat.

Since summer is still in the recent past, it's possible that the precautionary measures you took to avoid sun damage during that time are still close to the forefront of your mind. It never hurts to refresh your memory just in case.

The rays of the sun are strongest between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. This period is the time of day when the majority of people choose to go to the beach, or sunbathe on the deck of a cruise ship, as the case may be. You can feel free to enjoy yourself outdoors at this time - just remember to protect yourself.

For the average person, a sunscreen with a sun protection factor (SPF) of at least 15 is necessary. Dermatologists may suggest something stronger as a starting point - 25 or 30, perhaps.

This all depends on your skin's pigmentation. Those with darker skin may burn less easily and be fine with SPF 15. If your skin is more fair, SPF 30 is probably a better choice, and if you have a history of burning easily, go for 50. Those with truly sensitive skin may have to obtain prescription sunscreen from a dermatologist, with SPFs as high as 70, 80 or even 100.

Finally, since some sunscreens contain ingredients that cause allergic reactions, you might want check with a dermatologist to see if you have any of these allergies. 

Do you have any plans to take a vacation this winter?

In Brief

  • As fall marches on and winter grows closer and closer each day, you may have begun planning out a vacation in the near future to duck the cold weather for at least a little while.

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