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Tips For Keeping A Classic Car Classic While In Storage

Author: Dennis Mock

Tips for keeping a classic car classic while in storage

For some, a classic car might be a family heirloom passed down for generations, with intense sentimental value. Others keep such vehicles as status symbols - not necessarily the most enviable purpose, but one that must be acknowledged. Still others collect multiple classic models as their hobby.

No matter what the reason for having a vintage vehicle might be, all owners of such cars must remember that they require considerable TLC. If you leave it untouched in the garage for months, you’ll want it to look and function spectacularly when you finally decide to take it out. If you drive it on a regular basis, proper upkeep is even more necessary, but many classic car owners only drive them every now and then.

The first and most necessary thing to remember is that intense cold or heat are both bad news for your classic Cadillac, Impala or Gran Torino. Keep it covered and out of direct sunlight in a clean garage if storing it during the summer or the winter.

The most important things to think about are the engine and battery. If the car will be exposed to any cold weather for an extended period of time, an engine warmer is worth buying.

Most classic cars were designed to run on leaded gasoline. If you've been filling yours up with modern fuel, you’ll have to make use of a fuel stabilizer, a substance designed to combat potential damage from the the ethanol in today’s unleaded gasoline, before you store your vehicle. Also, install a fuel and water separation filter for the same purpose, and consider replacing the gas tank and fuel lines if you'd like to be extra thorough.

To make sure the battery stays in tip-top shape while your car is waiting to be driven, remove it from under the hood and clean it with a baking soda solution and distilled water.

In Brief

  • For some, a classic car might be a family heirloom passed down for generations, with intense sentimental value.

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