Keep An Eye Out For Internet-business Career Scams

Author: Dennis Mock

Keep an eye out for internet-based career scams

In recent years, several of the most successful businesses are companies that started as internet ventures - Google, Facebook and Amazon are just a few of these. Seeing such examples may tempt you to search for the next big business opportunity online, if you consider yourself to have an entrepreneurial sensibility.

Although the ambition behind such a desire is nothing less than commendable, you have to be quite careful. Caution is necessary in any business venture, but it's particularly essential for the internet. The amount of legitimate opportunities you can find in this fashion may be outnumbered by the number of full-on scams or questionable offers you might also stumble upon.

If you encounter an offer to become part of an online business venture by buying in or providing some other kind of capital as an investment, examine it with the utmost care and be skeptical until you uncover evidence as to its legitimacy.

Look at every aspect of the pitch, from the phrasing of the advertisement's text to any "testimonials" from successful buyers. Any ad stating that someone earned an extraordinary amount should provide information as to how many people made that much, and if that is unlikely it must also say so as required by law, with phrases such as "results not typical."

Also, be sure to do research on the company behind this offer through reliable channels - government consumer protection agencies and chambers of commerce, as well as your local branch of the Better Business Bureau. If any complaints about this offer have been filed, you'll be able to find them somewhere, and you might still uncover unofficial reports of scams on independent websites.

No "business opportunity" that is touted as highly lucrative but appears in any way suspicious is worth risking your money over. Through more judicious research, you can probably find similar offers that are considerably more legitimate.

Have you ever considered creating or taking part in an internet-based business? 

In Brief

  • In recent years, several of the most successful businesses are companies that started as internet ventures - Google, Facebook and Amazon are just a few of these.

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