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Four Foods To Avoid Giving Your Kids

Author: Dennis Mock

Four foods to avoid giving your kids

Busy moms and dads want to do what's best for their children, but they could also use all the help they can get, so they also want what is convenient and easy. While this combination works well for things like carpooling to soccer practice, it does not work so great when it comes to nutrition.

Parents may want to be cautious of some of the food products being marketed toward kids and parents as they often do not contain the vitamins and nutrients your little ones need - in fact, they sometimes even contain harmful substances. Take a look at some of these kid foods and consider avoiding them on your next trip to the grocery store.

1. Frozen TV dinners - Although many companies will claim that these dinners provide a good source of nutrients for kids, take a closer look at the ingredients. Most frozen foods contain enormous levels of sodium and preservatives.

2. Goldfish - This might sting a little as Pepperidge Farm Goldfish are a classic in many households, but TIME suggests ditching the smiling, cheesy crackers. The news source says that they contain 250mg per serving. 

3. Fruit juice - Orange juice and apple juice may seem innocent enough, but they could be secret sources of a sugar overload. Just be sure to check sugar grams per a serving when shopping and, when possible, squeeze your own juice.

4. Cereal - This is another source of excessive sugar levels. Some cereals that seem healthy enough are actually some of the most sugary. For instance, the Harvard School of Public Health reports that Kellogg's Cracklin' Oat Bran contains 15 grams of sugar per a serving - more than Cinnamon Toast Crunch and Cocoa Puffs.

In Brief

  • Busy moms and dads want to do what's best for their children, but they could also use all the help they can get, so they also want what is convenient and easy.

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