Health Benefits Of Commons Spices

Author: Dennis Mock

Health benefits of commons spices

There are many reasons to use spices, in addition to adding flavor to your favorite foods many have additional health benefits.

Cinnamon is full of antioxidants, but its true value comes in its ability to control blood sugar levels. The spice can help lower blood sugar because it helps the insulin hormone work better, which can benefit adults with diabetes. Sprinkle a little on fruit for a healthy, sweet snack.

Chili Peppers
Hot and spicy, chili peppers can offer a variety of medical benefits including pain relief and healing ulcers. You don't need much to gain the benefit, just an eighth of a teaspoon. This is fortunate because the beneficial protein is capsaicin, which also gives peppers their fiery taste.

A staple of many italian dishes, basil has strong antibacterial properties which are great for helping your immune system. Basil is especially beneficial for anyone with arthritis and other inflammatory health problems


Like basil, Thyme has strong antibacterial properties. Add it to soups or stews for a healthy comfort food. Thyme is easy to grow at home so you can have it fresh from your herb garden or dry it for use year round.

A USDA study found that Oregano had high antioxidant levels, suggesting it may be beneficial in preventing ailments like cancer and heart disease. Try adding a pinch of fresh oregano to add flavor to tomato soup, pasta or pizza.

Ginger has been used since ancient times as a cure for stomach ailments in China. Studies have shown that ginger can settle nausea, aid the digestive process and protect against ulcers. The root can also relieve pain associated with migraines and arthritis. Check the ingredients in Ginger-Ale before assuming that the carbonated drink will help with an upset stomach, as not all brands contain actual ginger root.

Garlic has strong antibacterial properties and can help fight off infections. It also contains many antioxidants, and can improve circulatory ailments. 

In Brief

  • There are many reasons to use spices, in addition to adding flavor to your favorite foods many have additional health benefits.

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