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Ways To Cut Meat Out Of Your Diet

Author: Dennis Mock

Ways to cut meat out of your diet

The more it is researched, the more it appears that the average American's diet contains too much meat. Meat, researchers have found, can lead to high blood pressure, heart disease and even cancer. However, many people find limiting their intake to be a difficult undertaking.

Whether due to habit, convenience or taste preferences, meat is heavily entrenched many American's diets - but it doesn't need to stay there. With a few simple techniques, it can be easy to limit - or completely remove - it from your menu.

Weekend warriors
For those who balk at the idea of giving meat up entirely, TLC recommends sequestering it to the weekends. Keeping a vegetarian diet on weekdays - while maintaining the promise of it on Saturday and Sunday - can be a sweeter pill to swallow than complete abstinence. By going shopping on the weekend and only buying a little fresh meat, you can make the process even easier.

Once a day
If even that seems like too rash a decision, you can cut back to once meat serving a day. A chicken breast sandwich for lunch, for example, or a grilled fish at dinner. Keeping meat confined to a small slice of your meals, however you do it, can help you incrementally rid yourself of it.

Specific types
If it's easier to begin by eliminating particular types of meat, try that. Starting by lopping off beef, for example, can help you stay satisfied while you slowly eliminate the rest. As you cut out more varieties, you will find yourself craving fewer types. Ultimately, you will likely be able to get rid of every kind, if you so desire.

Cold turkey
Some people, on the other hand, find it's best to simply eliminate meat in one fell swoop. Pick a week, eat some of your favorite meat-centered dishes, and stop at its end. This method is not for everyone, but this "rip-the-bandaid-off" technique has proven successful for quite a few.

In Brief

  • Whether due to habit, convenience or taste preferences, meat is heavily entrenched many American's diets - but it doesn't need to stay there.

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